Experience: 14 Years of Relevant working Experience as a Microsoft Office (Specialist) , 7 Years of Experience in Teaching , Contributing as a Teacher in PSC-TU Service Commission-Computer Technical Assistant(Government of Nepal).
My name is Suresh Singhi.I have 14 Years of Relevant working Experience as a Microsoft Office (Specialist) and 7 Years of Experience in Teaching a well as have been Contributing as a Teacher in PSC-TU Service Commission-Computer Technical Assistant(Government of Nepal).If we want to do something meaningful in our life than we have to start doing more than normal population so if you wouldn't want to stop here then its your last chance to connect with me to add essence in your career .spark a light now and get start to attend this session .
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Experience: 12 Years of Relevant Experience in Teaching PSC-TSC | TU Service Commission-Computer-Technical Assistant (Government of Nepal ) ,IT officer at World Bank for 2 years, IT Officer at Government Organization till date -having 5 years experience.