Mukesh Ramjali Nepali
Mukesh Ramjali Nepali
Mukesh Ramjali Nepali
Experience: 10 years of teaching and works as Agriculture Extension Officer
(4.96 Ratings)

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Agriculture Officer | New Batch 2081/82

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Rs. 10000 Rs. 8000/-

कोशी प्रदेश कृषि JT/JTA

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Rs. 8000 Rs. 5000/-

AG Officer Level 7 (Lumbini & Koshi)

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Rs. 10000 Rs. 8000/-

Krishi JT/JTA | Gandaki Pradesh (2081)

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Rs. 8000 Rs. 6000/-

Agriculture Officer Level 7

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Rs. 8000 Rs. 6000/-

Agriculture Officer Level 7 Yearly Class

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Rs. 16000 Rs. 12000/-

Veterinary JTA/JT | Yearly Loksewa Prep.

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Rs. 12000 Rs. 10000/-

Krishi JTA/JT | Yearly Loksewa Prep.

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Rs. 12000 Rs. 10000/-

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Qualification: BSC.Ag, MSc.Ag, MPA
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khagendra bohara

(5 Ratings)
गुरुको guideline ले हामिमाझ अझै हौसला थपोस सधै यसरी नै सपोट पाइराखौँ 🙏

uma kandel

(5 Ratings)
namskar sir, hajurle dherai nai ramro sanga bujaer pdaunuhunx karnali pardesko bises comando class sanchaln garnuna🙏🙏🙏

krishala shrestha

(5 Ratings)
Thank you so much sir...hjr sanga vayeko gyanbardhak kura haru hami sanga share garnu vayeko ma..hjr ko padhaune ra bujhaune tarika ekdam ramro xa👍😇

ललित बहादुर बुढा

(5 Ratings)
बौद्धिक,लगनशिल,अध्यनशिल ब्यक्तित्व सरलरुपमा बिध्यार्थीलाइ नया नया खोज गरेर मिहेनत गरि आफ्नो ज्ञान बाड्नुभएकोमा धन्यवाद ,हजुरको बिध्यार्थी हुन पाएकोमा धेरै खुशी लागेको छ।❤️❤️❤️

kushal khadka

(5 Ratings)
पढाउने शैली, बुझाउने शैली एकदमै मन पर्यो । आशा छ हजुर बाट धेरै कुरा सिक्न सकिन्छ । सिक्न पाइयोस् पनि ❤️
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