Prajwal Ghimire
Prajwal Ghimire
Prajwal Ghimire
Experience: 5 Years of Relevant Experience in Teaching ,Section officer at Government of Nepal.
(4.57 Ratings)

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Qualification: Master in Business Studies (MBS).
Myself Prajwal Ghimire. I have been contributing as a teacher of PSC (Government of Nepal) since 2073 for more than 5 Years as well as section officer (Government of Nepal),Every year level of cracking competitive exam is upgrading and for this you need so much of Hard work and dedication .Only Hard Work and dedication helps to bring out a differences in your career. By keeping all this things in mind i made a decision to be your best friend on the road to success. For this you don't need any extra effort you simply have to join with me with this Nepal's First Open online Tutoring platform for preparing all Top and tough competitive exam. Lets begin your new journey and achieve a success with the help of this Platform.
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Chandaa Nepali

(3 Ratings)
Explaining way chai ramro xa but sometimes questions soddha he seems like confused

Rojita Gyawali

(5 Ratings)
Thank you for your guidance and support ...really outstanding

susmita mandal

(5 Ratings)
perfect way of teaching

Tirtha Narayan Chaudhary

(5 Ratings)
very good

Diksha Rauniyar

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