0 Book Reviews
Special features of the book are:
- The book provides a comprehensive review of all the subjects in a simple and lucid manner.
- High yield fact and key points are separated in every unit as a quick review.
- Chapter-wise theory with relevant MCQs arranged section-wise.
- The book includes more than 6,000 MCQs and their answers for practice, as well as over 1,000 solved doubt questions with explanations.
- The book incorporates the latest health-related vital information, facts, figure of annual report of DoHS (2077/78), NDHS-2022, NMICS (2019), COVID-19 etc.
- The book includes mnemonics where they are useful and relevant to help students remember important information.
- Important information is highlighted in bold to make it easier for students to locate during final hour revision.
- The book includes all the past and probable questions of NLEN examinations.
- The fact contains normal values and important facts to remember.
- The content of the book is sourced from authentic books, ensuring the information is accurate and up-to-date.
- The book is equally useful for BN entrance and Staff nurse Loksewa examinations, making it a comprehensive guide for nursing students at all levels.