1 Book Reviews
Special features of the book are:
- Based on the NHPC Syllabus.
- For Licensing Examination of Certificate Level in General Medicine (H.A.)
- All the contents are based on the Revised NHPC Syllabus of General Medicine (H.A.)
- Chapter-wise theory with relevant MCQs arranged section-wise.
- High-yield facts and key points are separated in every unit as a quick review.
- A comprehensive review of all the subjects in a simple and lucid manner.
- Update concept: Evidence-Based Medicine, Meta-analysis, Systemic Reviews.
- More than 5,000 MCQs and their answers are included for practice and more than 500 doubt questions are solved with an explanation.
- Includes latest health-related vital information from Nepal wherever needed.
- Important things are bold and readers can find them useful in the final hour of revision.
- The appendix includes normal values and important facts to remember.
- 3 SETS high-yield possible model questions with their answers.
- The latest Facts, Figures of the Annual Report of DoHS (2079/80), NDHS-2022, NMICS (2019), Census (2021), and other various significant data are included.
- Equally useful for the HA Loksewa examination.