Book Authors:
Paper Book

HA Mentor(Federal And Province No 1 )

Book Genres: Loksewa Health
(0/5) 0 Book Reviews
Publisher : Samiksha Publication
Book Price : RS. 2195-/

Book Publisher:Samiksha Publication

Book Edition:8th

Book Pages:1387

Published Year: 2023 AD (2079 BS)

In the Eighth edition of the book following matters have been done to make a student stay ahead in this competitive era with changing pattern of Loksewa examination.

  1. All the contents are strictly based on Revised Loksewa syllabus of federal and Province No. 1 Loksewa Aayog for H.A./Sr. AHW
  2. The objective (MCQs) section is well presented with indepth highly important notes and chapterwise MCQs as per the Paper I syllabus and subjective questions and answers have been included in sufficient number in every chapter for Paper II Subjective.
  3. High yield facts and key points are separated in every unit as a quick review.
  4. Latest Facts, figure of annual report of DoHS (2077/78), NDHS-2022, Nepal Burden of Disease-2017, NMICS (2019), Nepal STEPS Survey (2019), Census (2011), and other various significant data are included.
  5. Update concept: Evidence-Based Medicine, Meta-analysis, Systemic Reviews.
  6. High-yielding facts and key points are incorporated, and important previous questions are highlighted.
  7. Health-related national plans, policies, strategies, and their implementation status have been added to the first chapter.
  8. The new and latest fact sheet, history, milestone, landmark of every public health programs in Nepal have been added in unit 2 part II.
  9. More than 6,000 MCQs and their answers are included for adequate practice.
  10. Appropriate solutions of the Loksewa examination of HA, PHO, HEO, and other relevant examinations are included.
  11. Doubtful question and their justification are also included.
  12. Equally beneficial for BPH entrance examination and Nursing Loksewa examination.

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